Liv’s Publications

Painting the Landscape of Loneliness, the Drive to Connect and the Strategies to Identify your Needs

On January 16, 2024, Liv published a summary of her research woven with her memories of learning through her own loneliness. Written in journal format, her book weaves together stories, illustrations, and research. She aims to show that loneliness is a personal experience based on multiple factors, yet can be managed in order to live a full life.


Deserts to Mountaintops is an anthology of 22 women’s unique accounts of their own desert to mountaintop experiences. Empowering stories of survival, tenacity, and resilience highlight these women’s incredible ability to finally choose themselves.”

Liv’s chapter within DTMA chronicles her journey of learning how to manage multiple chronic pain conditions, including Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; cluster headache; and semi-circular canal dehiscence.


A 2018 workplace study revealed lawyers reported the highest levels of loneliness. Why? Coinciding with the emergence of COVID-19 in March of 2020, Liv wrote an article summarizing loneliness and its effects in the legal profession for the Indiana State Bar Association's magazine, Res Gestae (p.10).


Did you know children in several states deal with shaming at lunchtime? Liv co-authored a paper discussing the issue of lunch shaming in Indiana; legislation in other states addressing the issue; and proposed solutions to reduce the trauma experienced by children whose meals are taken from them in the presence of classmates.


What does it feel like to manage chronic pain caused by a genetic disorder? In this article, Liv describes her experience living with hypermobility symptoms: painful grinding of joints; fatigue; aching muscles; irregular heartbeat; and neuropathy.


Liv received a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Hypermobile Type (“hEDS”) in the Spring of 2007. It's a hereditary connective tissue disorder characterized by chronic pain and joint instability. In this article for Loose Connections, published by The Ehlers-Danlos Society, Liv describes the relief within a diagnosis after years of pain, misdiagnoses, and multiple joint surgeries.


"I had titanium in my right ankle and spine, and my shoulder had been patched three times. I was in pain, fatigued, and so lonely; yet, I added the challenge of night classes - for law, no less. This challenge would stretch my limits, strain my feeble marriage, yet bring opportunity. I listened to the drive within, the one I’ve known since childhood." Read the article at Love What Matters.